Winners: works and diplomas

List of the winners

Esmer Mamedova, Мария Смага, Lorenzo Sportelli, Наргиза Камилова, Дарья Першина, Виктория Немшон, Aziza Anvarova, FUNG HO CHI, TSUI KAMI, Нораи́р, Manon Bayadyan, Савельева Анастасия, Екатерина Коконина, Ева Краснова, Дарья Костевич, Бейбутов Далгат, Непомнящих Анна, Obirqulov Salimjon, Мерием Алиева, Арзылан-Маадыр Монгуш

Works of the winners

You can see the works of the winners of the first International Contest of Children’s Drawings “Humanity inside the War” 2020/21 by clicking on the link.

Diplomas of the winners

Diplomas of the winners of the first International Contest of Children’s Drawings “Humanity inside the War” 2020/21 can be found, downloaded and printed by clicking on the link.

Diploma example