
“Humanity Inside the War” is a project designed to help the youth community learn about history firsthand, and encourages the discussion of wars to better understand the tragedy of war and post-war times. The “Humanity Inside the War” project focuses on the individual and collective aspects of humanity within the framework of military events, as well as the desire to highlight the elements and situations that go in the direction of respect for the opponent, man or woman, even if he wears a different uniform or belongs to a different culture.

Dear friends, you have the opportunity to support the International Children’s Drawing Contest “Humanity Inside the War” and donate any amount that will be spent on organizing, promoting and conducting, as well as on prizes and gifts, diplomas and cups to participants, finalists and winners of the photo competition and other needs of the competition.

UMANITA’ DENTRO LA GUERRA Associazione dedicata a Ferdinando Pascolo Silla
Sede legale: via Deciani 2, 33100 Udine UD
Sede Ideale-spirituale: Chiesa Regina Pacis – Sacrario di Redipuglia GO
C.F. 94138910305 – IBAN IT74V0533612303000035563509
Payment purpose: “Donation”